He Didn't Mean It: He Loves Me

He Didn't Mean It: He Loves Me

My name is Derrione Watkins and I'm 16 years old. A couple of months ago I had an argument with my boyfriend, Tyree, that didn't end well. Looking back on it, we always argued over stupid stuff, but this particular argument was different, because Tyree hit me.

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Let's Talk About Bullying with Zuri Hall

Unfortunately, we all know one, knew one, or will know one in the future . . . The Bully! How do you deal with them? Why do they do what they do? What can you do to avoid bullying? Take a look at the awesome tips Zuri Hall shares on this topic and bring your bullying to an end.


One Student Won't Be Bullied For Vitiligo: Dispelling Beauty Myths

One Student Won't Be Bullied For Vitiligo: Dispelling Beauty Myths

Are you a teen living with vitiligo? There are many others who are dealing with the same thing. Take a moment to watch this young lady's story of living with vitiligo and how she has learned to embrace her differences and love her uniqueness. No one person truly defines beauty . . . God does! "Don't be a slave to what others think of you." - Jesi.

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Fatherless Teen Girls and Young Women: Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth, Part 1

Fatherless Teen Girls and Young Women: Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth, Part 1

How many times do we hear the adage that girls need their fathers? A million times over, right? Recently at an ELBD Young Women’s Leadership gathering, a young lady (we’ll call her Michelle) expressed raw emotions when she was asked about her father. Michelle initially tried to hold back, but after a moment decided to release the pain she was feeling as she is still grieving the loss of her father. She mentioned that the anniversary of his death was the next day. We embraced Michelle in love and allowed her to grieve her loss. 

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